Legal information

The website is published by KOBALANN, directed by Vincent Munier

Company name: KOBALANN
5811Z Book publishing
SARL with a capital of 48 000 €.
RCS Epinal 521 477 299
siret: 521 477 299 00023
intra-community VAT: FR 01521477299
1, route de Dramont, 88120 SAPOIS

Rights in the work :

The artist, for having taken the initiative of his creation, remains the owner of the copyright on his creation, according to the French law. The rights of representation and reproduction of the works present on the website belong to their authors and to Kobalann Editions. Their joint authorization is necessary for any exploitation of these rights. Your rights on the purchased work are thus limited to a right of private use, excluding any right of representation and reproduction.

Intellectual property rights :

All the elements present on the site and the site itself are protected by copyright, trademark law, designs and models and/or any other intellectual property right. By elements, we mean in a non-exhaustive way: photographs, images, drawings, illustrations, texts, videos, logos, trademarks, models, software... These elements belong to the KOBALANN company or are used with the agreement of its owners.

As such, any reproduction, representation, use, adaptation, modification, incorporation, translation, marketing, in part or in full, by any process and on any medium whatsoever (paper, digital...) are prohibited, without the prior written permission of Kobalann, apart from the exceptions referred to in Article L 122.5 of the Intellectual Property Code, under penalty of constituting an infringement of copyright and / or designs and / or trademark, punishable by two years' imprisonment and a fine of 152 449,02

Personal data - RGPD :

As of 24.05.18, the RGPD has been applied to this site, respecting the possibility for any user to modify or delete all the information associated with their customer account, in order to preserve their confidentiality. The HTTPS protocol ensures optimal confidentiality of the information exchanged on the website, which is hosted by OVH and is compatible and approved according to the RGPD standards. The personal data you provide to the vincentmunier. com website is used only for the purpose of processing your orders, their after-sales service, the optimization of your future orders (so that you do not have to re-enter your contact information, for example), and to inform you about the latest news on the website and the latest developments in the online shop. The resulting files are never transmitted to third parties. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter, independently of the management of your customer account information, by using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of each automatic email you receive. If you have any doubts or difficulties, please contact us using the online form on the contact page.

The processing of personal data has been declared to the CNIL (Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés) under the declaration number 1447849.